Saturday, September 20, 2014

Animal Spirit Guide - Owl Wisdom - The Shadow Masters

Animal Spirit Guide

Metaphysical Meaning

Psychic Energy, Independence, Wisdom, Third Eye, Spirituality, Protection, Intuition, Supernatural Power, Connection with Night time and the Moon, Mystery, Magic, Secrets, Intelligence, Transition, Telepathy, Afterlife.

Spiritual Symbolism

Spiritual Owl ( Night Eagle ) has the ability to protect us psychically and physically, by warding off demon spirits. Owl's x-ray vision eye's allows him to see in and through the darkness, and beyond the veil, into the world of spirit.

Shamans ask for and shape shift into Owl for his guidance and channel to speak to the dead. Warning though, just like people the Owl's come in many different shades, a dark magician for instance may only work with a dark owl, and a white magician only an owl of light. Owl acts as messenger for the well versed shaman to make the connection between the worlds of the living and the dead.
The original Bavarian illuminati's symbol is one of the all seeing Owl, but do not take this as the energy of Owl, the evil energy is behind the people that have utilized the Owl symbol for themselves. Yes, it is a choice, we can be the wise one of light or the dirty deeded servant of Satan.

Totem Animal / Spirit Guide

Having magical Owl as your totem animal or spirit animal guide, allows one to see what others cannot. There will barely be a secret that escapes Owl people. Owl also offers the welfare of being able to see through illusion and deceit.

Owl people make great teachers, psychics and artists of all kinds. Owl people often experience prophetic dreams and astral travel. They are sensitive, supportive and nurturing and are always willing to lend a hand. They are good listeners with an enthusiastic approach to life and the magic it holds. An Owl cannot be hypnotized for he has superior awareness.

Mythology from around the world

The Celts believed that if an Owl fly's into the window of your house while you are nursing an ill person, it signifies an ill omen of death. Greek mythology has Athena the Goddess of wisdom, war and learning depicted by the Owl.

Medieval times in Europe folklore tells of Owl's being Druid priestesses, (Witches) and Wizards in disguise. Even today Owls are associated with the Witch or Wizard, considered their familiar, with a formidable telepathic bond between the two sorcerers.

The Pueblo Indian people associate death as a symbol of the Owl, and believe if a dark magician finds an owl feather, it may be used for dangerous baleful purposes. Other Native American tribes believed that if they wore the feathers of owl, it would protect them against malevolent doing spirits.
The Japanese people hold the Owl as a symbol of luck and good fortune, I believe this has a lot to do with the Japanese word for Owl which is Fukurou (? ) breaking this word down, Fuku means luck, Fu means No and Kurou means hardship and suffering, put it altogether and we have Owl protects against hardship and suffering by bringing about good fortune. In Japan the Owl is extremely popular with a variety of trinkets and ornaments to purchase as luck charms and protector statues.
How do know if Owl is needed in your life or is your totem animal?

Seeing Owl during the day and having direct eye contact with Owl. Finding a feather belonging to Owl. Hearing Owl at night frequently. Having an attraction a passion and sensing a connection with Owl. Being advised so by a shaman or psychic reader. Owl may come to visit you in your dreams.
Perhaps just stumbling upon Owl today through this article, is Owls way of showing up in your life and reminding you to familiarize yourself with his wisdom.

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